Monday, April 6, 2009

a month with no posts!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since we last posted! Not a whole lot has happened. We've continued to rip apart our duplex (unfortunately that "we" hasn't included me lately) Spencer left for two weeks to do National Guard training in Arizona...and then got a call that he had to leave for Afghanistan (again) two days after he got home. Boo!
So, here's the deal.. I PROMISED Spencer that I would be better with the blog so he would know what's going on. So expect lots more updates and lots more pictures!
Soon to come: pictures of our "project" or "the money pit" or "eyesore in front of our house"
Also, pictures of the kids, because they're too cute to not show off (and it's Levi's birthday on Thursday...hooray for turning one, halfway to the terrible twos!)
And hopefully there will be a few updates from Spencer too (minus the scary beard pictures)

1 comment:

S Easton said...

Dear Christine,
I was missing Spencer today, with it being his 29th birthday. Your blogsite with notes and pics cheered me up. Thanks for taking time to keep it up to date.

Love, Mom Easton